Best UK Community And Charity Bank Accounts - How to Open One

How to choose and open the best community group, club, society or UK charity bank account, or savings account, plus charity bank account FAQs

Best Community and UK Charity Bank Accounts

How to choose and open the best UK community group, club, society or charity bank account for you, including savings accounts, with charity bank account FAQs at the end.  We have a separate guide on how to deal with UK charity bank account problems.  To find out which were rated as the best charity banks, see our Charity and Community Bank Account Survey 2024.


Here are things to think about when setting up a community group, club, society or charity bank account.

Setting Up A Charity Bank Account - Key Points

As with any bank account, ask yourself:

  • Do I want branch and/or online banking?
    • For example, if you need to regularly bank collection tin, or event money, you'll want access to a local bank branch.
  • What bank charges might there be?
    • Most charity accounts used to be free but many now charge a fee, albeit most are small.
    • That may be an monthly fee and/or a fee per transaction, plus possibly fees for other services.
  • Do I need/want:
    • Payments with a debit card and/or access to an ATM?
    • A bank savings account and, if so, how do the interest rates compare?
    • A secure/mobile banking app?
    • Other financial services, such as loans, mortgages.
  • What else might they offer that we'd value?
    • Supporting charities or adhering to ethical guidelines.
    • Access to funding, or other services, such as free accounting software.

CAF Bank were voted by charities as the best UK bank account in our banking survey.  They've published this guide on how to choose the right bank for your charity and also this list of 5  practical tips for setting up a charity bank account.

Why Setting Up Your Charity Bank Account Is Important

You don't need a bank account to register a charity with the Charity Commission.  However, opening one can take a long time and very few funders will pay a grant, unless you have a bank account in your charity's name.  It's a basic anti-fraud measure.

Given that securing income is almost always a priority for any charity or community group, starting the process to open a bank account early is usually a good idea. And securing funding can be even harder, so next think about how you plan to go about that.

Find Funding To Put In Your Community Or Charity Bank Account

Use the free Funding Finder, to find a huge range of grants and Help Finder to find lots of free fundraising support and also companies that make product/financial donations. Like (most) charity bank accounts it's free, but unlike opening a charity account it's quick, simple to use and works for any non profit, no matter how small.

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To find funding and help with any problem, for individuals and non profits, click the bunny icon in the bottom right of your screen and tell it what you need - use short questions and include key words.


Opening an account can be very hard work and take time but listed below are the best known banks that offer free charity, community and club bank and savings accounts.  This won't be a complete list but I have no commercial relationship with any of them and have not been paid to include them.  Where I've had feedback or personal experience of particular accounts, I've included notes but this is anecdotal/opinion and doesn't necessarily mean that other banks are not better or worse.

Best Free UK Community and Charity Bank Accounts

If you're known at your local branch, particularly, if you're an existing business customer, that might make it a bit easier to open a bank account.

The list below includes those I've heard charities and community groups speak well of.  However, that doesn't mean I'm able to endorse them, or that the others I've listed below them won't provide you with a good service.  Or have a look at our Best Charity Bank Accounts 2024 league tables.  CAF Bank were voted as the best charity bank account in our survey.

  • CAF Bank - charge £5 monthly fee.
  • Co-operative Bank.  If you open a Community Directplus account you can apply for funding of up to £1,000 from their Co-operative Bank; Customer Donation Fund.
  • Metro Bank. Offers 200 free transactions.  Available for unregistered charities, clubs and societies.
    • From Jun 24, they charge for total monthly transaction above £10k.
  • Charity Bank - savings account.  Invests its funds in other charities and social enterprises.
  • Triodos Bank - accounts and services for charities, including loans, savings, investments and a current account.  You must have turnover of £50k or more. No longer available to new customers.

Other Well Known UK Community And Charity Bank Accounts

Here other well-known banks that offer charity bank accounts

  • NatWest Community Bank Account.  Free up to £100k pa income.  Website says community groups, but I've heard they are now only accepting registered non-profits.
  • Bank Of Scotland Treasurers Account.  For non-profits with turnover under £50k pa.
  • Barclays Community Account - not-for-profit organisations with a charitable purpose and income under £100,000.
    • In December 2023, Barclays topped the Sunday Times list for poor customer service and in Oct 24 it was rated bottom in our own bank account survey.
  • HSBC Charitable Bank Account - clubs, societies or associations, turnover is £6.5m or less, less than 4 people to add to the application and all key controllers are UK based.  Charges fees.
  • Lloyds Bank - schools, credit union and treasurer (for non-profits) accounts. Now charge a fee - £4.25 pcm plus transactions.
  • RBS Community Bank Account - non-profits, with income under £100k pa.
  • Reliance Bank - current account for registered charities.
  • Santander - club, society, charity, or other not-for-profit organisation with turnover under £250k.
  • Unity Trust Bank - charge £6 per month for an account, with no additional charge for basic transactions if turnover is less than £100k pa.  They offer a wide range of accounts, a Charities Phone Line and offer accounts to most (if not all) non profits.
  • Virgin Money - for registered charities.

Other UK Bank Accounts - Limited Companies & Sole Traders

  • I've heard that Mettle is very good and comes with great free accounting software but they don't support charities, CICs or other non profits.
  • Monzo - only sole traders and limited company directors are eligible, so OK for charitable companies and CICs but not others and I can't find anything on non profit accounts, so I think it'd have to be a standard business account.
  • Revolute - no accounts available for the Public Sector, charity, private foundation or trust, or a cooperative.
  • Starling Bank - if registered with Companies House.
  • Tide Bank - doesn't currently offer accounts to non profits.
  • TSB - Club, Charity and Society Accounts are no longer available for new customers.

UK Charity Savings Accounts

For charity savings accounts, in addition to savings rates, also think about how quickly you may need to access your savings.   Instant access accounts are obviously very convenient but usually pay lower interest than a notice or fixed term deposit accounts.

  • Charities Aid Foundation - range of notice and fixed term deposit accounts, most with a minimum investment of £1,000+. The CAF Charity Deposit Platform offers access to as many 20 banks and building societies, and 80 accounts with a minimum deposit of £50,000.
  • Charity Bank - if ethical use of your funds is important, they use your money to make loans to charities and social enterprises
  • Virgin Money - range of instant access, notice and fixed term charity accounts.  Minimum investment for most is just £1.
  • United Trust Bank - fixed term charity bonds for registered charities.
  • Nationwide - offer Business Savings Account, if UK registered.

CAF Bank were voted by charities as the best UK bank account in our banking survey.  They've published this guide on why you should use a charity deposit platform.


What you need and what you need to do to open a UK charity bank account.

How Do I Set Up A Community Group, Club Or Charity Bank Account?

This is the kind of documentation your bank may ask you to provide.

For each of the signatories - 2 documents: one to prove identity and one to their address.

To prove your identity, you will need your passport, driving licence or identity card (if you’re an EU national).

You’ll also have to prove your address by providing another document.  Every bank has its own list of what documents are acceptable as proof of address. Broadly speaking, however, these include:

  • a tenancy agreement or mortgage statement;
  • a recent electricity or gas bill (less than 3 months old);
  • a recent (less than 3 months old) bank or credit card statement that’s not printed off the internet; or
  • a current council tax bill.

And a copy of you governing document/constitution.

How Do I Open A Free Community Or Charity Bank Account?

Each bank has similar, but slightly different procedures to open a free bank account.  Here are some examples of what you might expect.

There must be a minimum of 2 of signatories on the account.

Some banks have online account registration but, if not, contact your local branch and book an appointment.

Some require all of the signatories to attend the appointment together, with their proof of identify and address documents above.

Ahead of your appointment, Barclays will e mail you:

  • A personal details form – sometimes for all trustees, not just the signatories.
  • A charity or community account opening form.
  • A letter of intent.
  • An appointment of banker’s form.

You should complete these and bring these with you to your appointment, together with your constitution.


Listed below are answers to common questions about charity bank accounts, as well as the Charity Commission's banking guidance.

Community Group and Charity Bank Accounts - FAQs

  • Why have a charity bank account? Having a bank account in your charity's name helps to protect your charity and is, almost always, required by charitable funders who make grants.
  • Who can have a bank account for a charity?  To open a bank account for a charity, community group, club or society, you will need at least a constitution (club rules) and trustees (volunteers who run a charity).
  • Who can authorise opening a charity bank account?  The opening or closing of a charity bank account should be either authorised by the whole trustee body or delegated by them to a separate group who tell the trustees of any changes.
  • Which is the best UK charity bank account?  Some banks offer accounts to all types of charity and some only specific types, so first find the banks that offer accounts to your kind of charity.  Then decide what you need, such as do you want branch and/or online banking, need to make payments with a debit card and/or access to an ATM, a bank savings account and, if so, how do the interest rates compare?
  • How do I open a bank account for a charity?  To open an account, you may first need to fill in an online application and the signatories may well all be required to visit a branch with identification documents.  The bank will want a copy of your governing document and, increasingly, banks require additional information, particularly if you work overseas.  For example, policies on sanctions or money laundering.
  • Do any banks offer free banking to charities?  Traditionally, all the main banks offered free banking to charities.  However, some are now charging fees, including CAF bank and HSBC.
  • Can a charity have 2 bank accounts?  Charities can have more than one bank account, but it is important that accounts are only opened with the approval of the trustees and are controlled and monitored by them.
  • What is a bank mandate?  A bank mandate sets out who in the charity is authorised to manage the charity’s bank accounts.
  • What is a cash deposit platform?  A cash deposit platform offers a range of accounts that allows you to choose multiple accounts without having to apply directly to each bank.

Charity Commission Guidance - Charity Bank Accounts

Charity Commission E&W - Charity banking.  Information on charity banking and the support available to charities trying to access adequate banking services.

Charity Commission guidance on trustees’ legal duties and responsibilities in respect of operating a bank account - holding, moving and receiving funds safely, including when moving those funds internationally.

Charity Commission CC8 guidance on systems of internal financial control, including internal controls for banking.

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This UK Charity Bank Account Guide Is Not Professional Advice

This UK charity bank account guide is for general interest only and does not constitute professional legal or financial advice.  I'm neither a lawyer, nor an accountant, so not able to provide this, and I cannot write guidance that covers every charity or eventuality.  I have included links to relevant regulatory guidance, which you must check to ensure that whatever you create reflects correctly your charity’s needs and your obligations.  In using this resource, you accept that I have no responsibility whatsoever from any harm, loss or other detriment that may arise from your use of my work.  If you need professional advice, you must seek this from someone else. To do so, register, then login and use the Help Finder directory to find pro bono support. Everything is free.

Thank You - to Ella Taylor Smith for making me aware that my Lloyds entry was out-of-date.

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