Charity Excellence - Financial Planning & Management


Example Charity Reserves Policy Template - Charity Commission CC19

This resource provides an example UK charity reserves policy template, explains why a reserves policy is important, what you should include, the different types of financial reserves, questions to ask yourself and links to resources to help you. It is a simple guide to the Charity Commission CC19 trustee guidance on reserves and is aimed primarily at small charities.
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UK Charity Risk Register Template, Risk Management Policy and Risk Assessment

This charity risk management policy guide explains the basics of risk management, gives you a simple 3 step process to use and sample templates for your own risk policy and risk register, to comply with Charity Commission risk management guidance.
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How To Deal With UK Community and Charity Bank Account Problems

How Do I Deal With a UK Community or Charity Bank Account Problem? Here's how to deal with community and UK charity bank account problems, either in opening a bank account of being threatened with your existing account being closed.  I've summarised the most common problems, detailed organisations that can help and created 2 templates […]
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UK Charity Due Diligence Compliance Checklists

A charity due diligence template and checklist for donations, new fundraising donors, grants, contractors or others to comply with donor rules & regulations, such as gift acceptance & refusal, ethical fundraising policies and 'know your donor'. This article also includes links to the Charity Commission due diligence compliance toolkits and checklists for donations, donors and partners.
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HMRC UK Charity Tax Relief, Including Charitable Donations And VAT

A list of UK charity tax reliefs on charitable donations, for individuals and companies, plus business rate relief, and other HMRC charity tax benefits, including the requirements on a charity to pay VAT, the exemptions and other ways for charities to avoid paying VAT
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Charity Commission Annual Return And Login For Charities

The Charity Commission guidance includes specific regulations on how to submit your charity annual return, report and accounts. Here's how to prepare and submit your annual return, report and accounts, with links to all the resources you'll need, including the Charity Commission login.
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Charity Commission Example Annual Accounts Templates & Finance Resources

Charity finance resources, including SORP and Charity Commission example accounts templates, annual returns, reports and accounts, risk and reserve policy templates, bank accounts, budgeting, and forecasting, due diligence, cost control and sustainability toolkits. These work for anyone but particularly to help with small charity accounts.
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UK Charity Audit Requirements, Including Commission Independent Examination & Charity Audit Threshold

A practical guide to charity audit and independent examination of accounts requirements, including thresholds, the difference between audit and independent examination, and how to find an auditor or independent examiner, with links to the Charity Commission guidance
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How To Claim Gift Aid - HMRC Guidance and Gift Aid Rules for Charities

A simple explanation of how to claim all the different types of HMRC Gift Aid for your charity. It summarises the HMRC rules and guidance for charities and how to claim it, including the 14 different ways of claiming Gift Aid, the Small Donations Scheme (GASDS), declaration forms, records, how far back a charity can claim and limits, with links to everything you need to claim yours.
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Example UK Charity Fundraising Budget Template

This example charity fundraising budget template and guide provides fundraising budget worked examples, templates and 4 practical techniques you can use to create your budget, either for your charity, or a fundraising project or event.
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