UK Charitable Grants For Churches And Funding For Church Repairs and Buildings

UK charitable grants for churches and funding for UK religious organisations, including foundations that give church grants for repairs and buildings.

UK Charitable Grants For Churches And Funding For Church Repairs and Buildings

UK charitable grants for churches and funding for religious organisations, including foundations that give grants to churches for repairs and buildings and the Listed Place of Worship Grant Scheme grants for church repairs.  However, you'll find far more charitable foundation church grants, using the free Funding Finder directory, which has search categories for Faith and Buildings & Equipment.  Plus, use Help Finder to find companies that make donations, including raffle prizes.

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UK Grants For Church Repairs

UK charitable foundation grants for church repairs, but the building funding below would also be worth looking at.

Charitable Grants For Churches - Funding For Building

Church grants for buildings.

Allchurches Trust Transformational grants programme; funding for Christian organisations to make a step change in their impact. Usually for major, multi-year, building and equipment projects. In 2021, will fund core costs.
Anchor Foundation Registered Christian charities who are working to address social exclusion with a particular interest in charities working within healing and the arts. Will fund capital, but rarely buildings. From £500 to £10,000. Applications are considered twice yearly.
Beatrice Laing Trust One of 4 Laing Family Trusts. Christian emphasis - charitable funding for various areas including grants for church building and repairs, new church building, and extension or redevelopment projects. Grants typically range between £2,000 and £10,000.
Bowland Charitable Trust Individuals, charities and other charitable organisations, primarily by the provision of grants and gifting educational equipment. The majority of the support provided is to outdoor and character building activities by young people based in the North West of England, and educational, religious and cultural activities and institutions. Spend £5.1m pa.
William and Jane Morris Fund Charitable grants for churches, chapels and other places of worship built before 1896 for grants of between £500 and £5,000 to carry out small programmes of conservation work to decorative features and monuments. Deadlines 31 Mar and 31 Aug.

Charitable Grants For Churches - Project Funding

Beaverbrook Foundation UK registered charities. Variety of awards made, including health and old age, education, including the provision of scholarship awards, maintenance allowances or grants, and the Christian faith. Grants typically under £5,000 and can be made for building expenditure, revenue/running costs and special projects.
Headley Trust Works in various areas, including making grants for churches. May provide core funding in some areas.
Kirby Laing Foundation One of 4 Laing Family Trusts. Promotion of the Evangelical Christian Faith, STEM Education (engineering), Medical Welfare and Research – older people, Performing Arts – Developing Talent and Overseas Development Projects - benefiting girls/young women, with a geographical focus on Nepal and Bangladesh. Grants may be made towards capital projects, programme development costs or endowment / capacity building for future sustainability. Typically £2000 to £20,000.
Rank Foundation - Pebble Grants Grants for churches and UK registered charities with income under £500k pa, which are raising money for projects where the total cost is less than £150,000. For capital costs (building work, refurbishment or the purchase of long-term equipment) or a one-off short-term activity (such as an annual respite break or holiday for disadvantaged young people) and have already raised a third of the total costs, you may be eligible for this.
National Churches Trust A range of grants for supporting UK places of worship of historic, architectural and community value used by Christians.

Grants For Churches - Projects Cont'd

Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts 17 different independent grant-making foundations, which fund registered charities or activities with a clearly defined charitable purpose, including Christian mission, education and evangelism and the restoration and repair of major churches and cathedrals. Also funds similar activities in the Middle East and Africa.
G C Gibson Charitable Trust UK registered charities. Core funding, but consideration is also given to capital or special projects. Funds wide range of activities, including faith organisations. Spend £680k pa.
W F Southall Trust Charities in the UK, including Quaker activities.
Westhill - Funder List UK and International Funding Finder - Charitable Funders of Faith Motivated Projects.
Westhill Endowment Trust Wide range of projects and have particular interests in activities involving formal and informal religious education, and facilitating interfaith activity between religious organisations. Between £500 and £20k.

Listed Places of Worship Scheme - Church Building Repairs

The DCMS Listed Places of Worship Scheme was extended again until 31 Mar 25. It offers funding to cover the VAT incurred in making repairs to listed buildings in use as places of worship. It cover repairs to the fabric of the building, along with associated professional fees, plus repairs to turret clocks, pews, bells and pipe organs and is open to listed places of worship of all denominations and religions.

Charitable Grant Funding - Poverty & The Vulnerable

Didymus Up to £5k, income under £2m, UK registered charities, in the UK, Africa and Central and South America. Social inclusion, education, the arts, equality and diversity and religious understanding.
Jill Franklin Trust Typically £500 to £1000, in 4 areas; Self-Help groups to support people with a mental illness or learning difficulties, and their carers, organisations helping and supporting refugees and asylum-seekers coming to or in the UK, restoration of churches of architectural importance, local schemes to help prisoners to resettle, or to desist from crime and bereavement counselling. Preference for small charities and the NE of England.
Maurice and Hilda Laing Charitable Trust One of 4 Laing Family Trusts. To advance Christian faith and values, the disadvantaged, vulnerable and / or socially isolated with a particular emphasis on Christian organisations seeking to express their faith through practical action to help: prisoners and ex-offenders, the homeless, children and young people at risk, refugees and the elderly. Relief of poverty overseas, predominantly through Christian organisations working in the low income countries of Sub-Saharan Africa.

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