Charity AI Help Finder

Charity AI Help Finder

The charity AI Help Finder bunny is the first of our next generation AI systems. He finds company funding, provides corporate fundraising support, including drafting and reviewing funding bids and other documents and is able to find a wide range of free goods, services and support, as well as promoting those provided at low cost by sister non profits. For the Press Release, I needed a quote, so I asked him how he felt about his new role.  This is what he told me.

I’m really excited to help you find corporate funding and resources! It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect people with the support they need.

Here's a 17 min demo video of him in action doing just that.

Our thanks to Steve Rudd, director, and Dr Joseph Azar, a Senior AI Solutions Architect, Exquitech UK. who built AI Help Finder pro bono to help us in supporting charities.

Charity AI Help Finder Community Testing Phase

Our work is always user led, so we are releasing him for community testing. To understand what he can find for you, visit our Help Finder page and/or our company donations page.  He's not quite there yet so, if he gets stuck in a loop, or similar, click the Finish button, then his Help Finder AI button again and he'll be fine. All feedback will be very helpful.  Send your input to

Charity AI Concierge Service

He is only the first step in fully migrating all of our AI and digital systems to a single, hugely accessible AI Concierge service for charities and individuals looking for charity support.   We now have the data systems and technology to do so but we don't yet have the funding needed.  Once launched it will substantially improve sector efficiency and effectiveness by very quickly and simply connecting charities and individuals to the help they need.

How to Access Help Finder AI

You first need to register with Charity Excellence (everything is free), then login, then click the in-system AI bunny icon, then his Help Finder AI Button and just chat to him.

What's Different About Help Finder AI

The Help Finder AI bunny uses Chat GPT but he is now far more capable.

  • He has access to a human curated data set created by us.
    • He can very quickly and simply find company donations, raffle prizes and a huge range of free goods and services.
    • He works for any non profit and globally.
    • He is less likely to make mistakes than other AI systems.
  • And he's been trained as a corporate fundraiser.
    • He can give you advice and.
    • Work with you to draft and review funding bids and other material you might not otherwise be able to.
  • Uses more advanced AI technology that gives him additional capabilities, he's multilingual and has been trained to help you.
    • For example, he may suggest alternative ways for you to search for funding/resources or give you additional ideas, or links to guidance that may help you.
    • He makes AI far more accessible for the small charities and marginalised groups that we prioritise, many of whom struggle using digital technology.
  • From an ethical perspective, he uses far less energy than a standard AI system, using an LLM.
  • He's our first step in creating our Charity AI Concierge Service.

You just chat to him and either copy and paste his answers from his dialogue box, or ask him to email these to you.  However, he is still AI and, whilst he will review work he creates for you and suggest improvements if you ask him, you must still check everything he creates.

How to Use Help Finder AI - Searching

Ask for what he can help you with, see Help Finder  He can search for companies and other organisations that provide funding and a wide range of free goods and services.  He includes in his searches sister non profits that provide goods and service that aren't free.  We do this because if we all bought from each other, it'd help to close the funding gap. He cannot find trusts and foundations because he doesn't have access to that data yet.  For policies, you need to click his policies button and for other templates and resources, score the relevant health check questionnaire, as these haven't been migrated to AI yet.

Read his prompts - none of us really read much on screen information (self included) but he's been taught to give you prompts about other ways in which he can help you and also to offer links when he thinks these might be useful for you. If you read these he'll be able to help you find more of what you need.

Be clear - he'll do his best to answer the question you ask him.

  • Don't just ask for companies that donate, if you mean the UK - he works globally and may give you companies in other countries.
    • Ask for a list of UK companies, or companies in Scotland, or Gloucester.
    • If you ask for your local town, you might get lucky but there are 50,00 town in the UK, so maybe not.
  • Don't ask for help with raffle prizes, as he may get confused - ask him for companies that provide raffle prizes or ask him for advice on how to run a raffle.

Ask in different ways, to get more results - for example, companies in London, or that support health charities or that offer match funding.

If he gets confused, click Finish - he's still in pilot phase.  If you ask him for chocolate providers, we have lots but, if you then ask him for companies in Gloucester, he may think you mean chocolate companies in Gloucester and there probably aren't any.  Clicking his finish button, then his AI Help Finder button again, starts a new conversation.  It's his version of 'switch it off then switch it back on again'.

How to Use Help Finder AI - Advice and Creating Documents

He can help you with a variety of documents, such as writing an e mail asking for a raffle prize, funding bids, company agreements and volunteering agreements.

He doesn't know what you know - for example, a funding bid requires a lot of specific information. If you're not sure what to include, read this.  Here are the types of things you might ask him.

  • Please draft me a funding bid for my charity Happy Bunnies that....................
    • What other information could I add to my bid to make it even better?
  • What information should I include in a funding bid to maximise the chance of securing funding?

Ask him for help - you can also paste a bid into his chat line and ask him for help.  If you paste in very large amounts of data you may overload him - click Finish and paste in less.

  • Please review my draft charity funding bid and tell me what to add into it to make it better.
  • Please review my draft bid and rewrite it to make it even better.
  • Please review my draft bid, reduce the word count by 10% and bring out more the quality of our services.
  • Please use this previous successful bid to write a new bid for our latest project to…………………...

He's an AI Bunny not a lawyer - he uses generative AI and, whilst responses often sound very convincing, it makes mistakes and you may not have given him all the information he needs to do it properly anyway. Always, always check whatever he drafts to ensure it meets your wishes and is accurate.  If you need professional help, ask him to find some for you, but you can also:

  • Ask him if there's anything else that should be included in a draft he's created and.
  • For the source material he's using.  He'll connect you to my more detailed work and, as I'm not  a lawyer, accountant or regulator, at the bottom of everything, I include links to the relevant regulatory guidance.

Correct his spelling!  We haven't managed to get him to use UK English yet so you need to check his spelling.

Stick to his knitting.  He has access to a human curated data set and guides and this enables him to deliver better results and make fewer mistakes.  However, he also uses Chat GPT.  If you ask him for the best way to cook a steak, he'll tell you.  However, if you ask questions outside of his area of expertise, he loses the benefits of using our data and guides.

AI Policy Writing

If you ask Chat GPT or similar to write you a policy it will but I've found it very unsatisfactory.  What we do is write policies ourselves and tie these back to the source regulatory guidance.   You need to click the in-system AI Bunny's Policy button and tell him what policy you want.  You can then paste that into his Help Finder AI and tell him your charity's name and what you do and do not want and he'll write it specifically for you.

Find the Funding and Free Help Your Charity Needs

A registered charity ourselves, the CEF works for any non profit, not just charities.

Plus, 100+downloadable funder lists, 60+ policies, 8 online health checks and the huge resource base.

Quick, simple and very effective.

Find Funding, Free Help & Resources - Everything Is Free.

Register Now!

Exquitech UK

Exquitech are a Tier One Microsoft Direct partner, one of a small number of companies who work directly with Microsoft TSI, the charity arm of Microsoft, which enables them to provide direct Microsoft support and elevated discounts to charities. They deliver specialised solutions for the sector, including Licensing, Azure, Security & Compliance, Power Platform, and Dynamics CRM, helping charities to streamline operations, enhance security, and maximise their impact.

Help Finder AI Is Not Professional Advice and May Make Mistakes

Advice from Help Finder AI may contain errors or omissions - we have optimised it minimise it to minimise hallucinations and errors but is generative AI and can only respond to what you tell it, which may be missing key information it needs to respond.  Equally, I am neither a neither a lawyer, nor an accountant, so not able to provide professional advice anyway, and I cannot write guidance that covers every charity or eventuality.  I have included links to relevant regulatory guidance, which you must check to ensure that whatever you create reflects correctly your charity’s needs and your obligations.  Ask the bunny to give you a link to this. In using this resource, you accept that I have no responsibility whatsoever from any harm, loss or other detriment that may arise from your use of my work.  If you need professional advice, you must seek this from someone else. To do so, register, then login and use the Help Finder directory to find pro bono support. Or just ask the bunny.

Register Now
We are very grateful to the organisations below for the funding and pro bono support they generously provide.

With 40,000 members, growing by 3500 a month, we are the largest and fastest growing UK charity community. How We Help Charities

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Charity Excellence Framework CIO

14 Blackmore Gate
United Kingdom
HP22 5JT
charity number: 1195568
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