Writing a charity funding bid that will make your grant application successful may appear to be a black art, but it isn't. Here's how to write a funding bid for your charity - the 4 simple steps to successful funding applications, plus free online training on bid writing for charities.
To use our free charity funding bid writing, register then login and the in-system AI bunny will write your fundraising case for support for you. But we do a lot more than that. Funding Finder finds grant funding, Help Finder company donations, Data Finder, facts an data for your funding bids and research and there are also 100+downloadable funding lists, and the 8 online health checks, including fundraising.
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Our funding bid isn't about what we want, but what our beneficiaries need and the grant funder wants. We are meeting a real need, not just chasing funding. We’ve looked at the funder’s website/annual reports to see if they’ve funded projects like ours before.
Our bid meets the funding criteria - they are a funder of our type of charity and the work we want to apply for.
Our bid includes the information, facts and/or figures, to make the case for funding, explains why we are best placed to deliver the project, and conveys the urgency of the need and the difference the project will make.
Our charity funding bid is succinct (brief and clear) and will be understood by those reading it. Our bid is also emotionally engaging – people give to people and want to know that their funding will make a difference to an issue that matters to them.
Succinct - briefly and clearly expressed.
Jargon - professional terminology or slang expression that not everyone will understand.
Acronym - an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word - BBC.
A case for support helps to make sure that when writing funding bids you always make the best possible case and it saves you time too - here's how to do it.
A registered charity ourselves, the CEF works for any non profit, not just charities.
Plus, 100+downloadable funder lists, 40+ policies, 8 online health checks and the huge resource base.
Quick, simple and very effective.
Find Funding, Free Help & Resources - Everything Is Free.
To access help and resources on anything to do with running a charity, including funding, click the AI Bunny icon in the bottom right of your screen and ask it short questions, including key words. Register, then login and the in-system AI Bunny is able to write funding bids and download 40+ charity policy templates as well.
My thanks to Lisa Gagliani whose input improved my original draft.