Charity Chair and Trustee Roles And Responsibilities

Charity chair of trustees and committee roles and responsibilities, explained simply, including how long a trustee should serve


A practical guide to charity chair of trustees, board and trustee roles and responsibilities - Charity Commission guidance, Chair of Trustees, Treasurer and Secretary job descriptions.  At the end, it covers charity trustee the role of charity committee roles and charity trustee roles and responsibilities. I also have FAQs, such as how long should charity trustees serve and minimum number of trustees for a UK charity.

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How Long Should Charity Trustees Serve?

How long a charity trustee should serve before needing to be reappointed will be in your governing document.  I varies but is usually 3 years and there may be restrictions on how many times he or she may be reappointed.  The Charity Governance Code recommends a maximum period of 9 years but there is no regulatory requirement to comply with that.


Generally, there are only 2 roles specified in a charity governing document.  The trustees, or directors if a company, and the chair of trustees.   Having  a treasurer, secretary or  a committee is usually optional, unless a role is specified in your governing document, in which case you must comply.

Charity Commission Charity Chair of Trustees Role Description

The Charity Commission doesn't appear to have any specific guidance for a charity chair of trustees.  The specific role of the chair will depend on the size and activities of the charity and will vary over time as the charity's needs change.  I was appointed to my first charity chair role in 1995 (I'm really old) and have made lots of mistakes.  Based on what I learned from those, my example charity of trustees role description that meets Charity Commission requirements is below.

  • Lead the board to ensure its effectiveness in.
    • Setting and implementing the charity's culture, direction, and strategy.
    • Approving the annual operations (business) plan, budget and risk management plan and.
      • Monitoring these to ensure delivery.
  • Focus the board on strategic matters, prioritising long-term goals and planning.
  • Maintain high standards of governance, fostering transparency and ensuring the charity holds itself accountable to its stakeholders.
  • Ensure trustee awareness and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including.
    • The requirements in their constitution and.
    • The Charity Commission guidance on trustee roles and responsibilities (CC3 - see below).
  • Ensure that the trustee board annually reviews its structure, effectiveness, delegations and key policies, and implements agreed changes as necessary.
  • Liaising with the Secretary to arrange meetings and set agendas and chairing meetings to ensure these are well run and focussed on delivering the charity's work.
  • Act as a representative and spokesperson for the charity.
  • Manage trustee relationships to foster a positive board culture, including.
  • Line manage the Charity CEO, by supporting, positively challenging and holding them to account, including.
    • Working with the Board to approve a scheme of delegation and appraisal of the CEO.

Charity Chair of Trustees Responsibilities - Simplified

Here is a simplified version of my charity chair role description for small charities.

  • Ensure that the charity trustee board functions effectively, meetings are led inclusively, and the board carries out its duties.
  • Lead the board in governing itself well, setting the strategic direction of the charity, creating a positive culture within the charity and holding staff accountable.
  • Monitoring the agreed actions from board meetings to ensure that decisions are implemented properly and in a timely manner.
  • Build a strong, positive and respectful relationship with staff, volu7nteers, beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
  • Act as an ambassador for the charity, representing its interests and values to stakeholders.

The Role Of A Charity Treasurer

A charity treasurer will advise trustees on their financial responsibilities, may chair the finance/audit committee and liaise with professional advisors, such as auditors.  In small charities, the role will be much more hands on, perhaps including routine finance duties, such as budgeting and preparation of reports.

  • Oversee the charity's finances to ensure its regulatory and legal responsibilities met and comply with charity accounting practice.
  • Oversee the annual budget (and risk plan) and that charity accounts are prepared and the key issues and risks reported to the trustee board in a timely and effective manner.
  • Monitor and report on the financial health of the charity at regular board meetings.
  • Lead in the development and implementation of finance policies, such as reserves, cash handling and systems of internal control.
  • Liaise with external auditors or advisors, if applicable.

The Role Of A Charity Secretary

A secretary is often a charity trustee who supports the board, and would have to be if your constitution requires it, but may also be a staff member (such as the CEO) or a freelance contractor.

Job description for a charity secretary:

  • Liaising with the chair and trustees in arranging meetings, agendas and papers, taking minutes and administration of meetings and record keeping.
  • Ensure the board is aware of its responsibilities in respect of the legal and regulatory requirements of governing documents, charity law, company law, etc.
  • Manage and facilitate the induction and training of new trustees.
  • Coordinate and organise other meetings as required, such as AGMs and EGMs.
  • Ensure compliance with charity regulations and governance standards.

Where a charity is a company, the secretary has additional duties under company law and common law, such as such as:

  • Maintaining the register of members, trustees, directors, and secretaries.
  • Preparing and filing annual returns and other statutory documents with Companies House (and the relevant charity regulator).

Charity Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Charity trustee boards may only meet 3 or 4 times a year for about 2 hours but that’s only about 12 hours a year to do everything. Equally, whilst the Board must always make all key decisions, some of its work may be specialist or niche and better led by a committee.  Charity committees support the Board by providing capacity and expertise, allowing it to focus on the key issues in the limited time it has.

The trustee board may delegate authority, but not responsibility.  Committees should have clear terms of reference and delegated authority, ideally be chaired by a trustee with trustee members and usually make recommendations to the board.  The most common committee is often a finance committee but there can be a committee for any activity that fits the above including audit, fundraising, operations and property.

Our guide to committees - what they do, how to make these work well and outline committee roles and responsibilities for the 10 most common trustee committees.

Individual Trustee Roles and Responsibilities

Here's our guide to the individual roles and responsibilities for charity trustees.

Charity Trustee Board and Committee Meetings

Here's our guide to running charity meetings well, including agenda and minutes templates.


Charity Chair of Trustees and Committees - FAQs

  • Does a charity have to have a chair of trustees? Most charities have a chair and in many constitutions one is required but usually may be appointed just to chair the meeting.
  • Does a charity secretary need to be a trustee?  If your constitution requires it, yes, but generally, the secretary does not and is often the CEO or even a freelance contractor.
  • What is a charity trustee skills audit?  A skills audit is where the trustees determine the skills and experience, they need and compare it to what they have to determine what additional skills they might need to recruit for.
  • What is the minimum number of trustees for a UK charity? You must follow whatever’s in you governing document (constitution) but aim for a minimum of three unconnected trustees with a good range of skills.
  • What is the maximum number of charity trustees? You must follow whatever’s in you governing document (constitution), but the recommended maximum is 12. Beyond that decision making becomes increasingly less effective.
  • How often should charity trustees meet? There is no specific guidance but charity boards usually meet 3 or 4 times a year but may meet more frequently during busy periods or if the charity is run day-to-day by the trustees.

Charity Trustee Roles and Responsibilities - FAQs

  • What is Charity Commission CC3; the Essential Trustee? CC3 is the key Charity Commission guidance that all charity trustees must be aware of and details their 6 main responsibilities.
  • What is the role of a charity trustee? The role and 6 main responsibilities of a charity trustee are to ensure your charity carries out its purposes for the public benefit, comply with your charity’s governing document and the law, act in its best interests, manage your charity’s resources responsibly, act with reasonable care and skill and ensure your charity is accountable.
  • How long do trustees serve? The length of a charity trustee appointment will be in your constitution but, in general, most charities opt for 3 years, with the option to reappoint.
  • Can a trustee resign at any time? Yes, a charity trustee can resign at any time.
  • How do I remove a trustee from a charity? If you need to dismiss a trustee, the board and the charity must follow the rules set out in your governing document. Trustees may be dismissed through a no-confidence process, as long as this is part of your rules.
  • Can trustees be paid for their time? Generally, charity trustees are unpaid volunteers who may be paid expenses.  It is possible to pay trustees for services provided but usually requires Commission approval and it would be unusual to pay a trustee for simply being a trustee.
  • What is the minimum age to be a charity trustee? You must be at least 16 years old to be a trustee of a charity that is a company or a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO), or at least 18 to be a trustee of any other charity.
  • What is a trustee conflict of interest? There are 2 common types of conflict of interest: Financial conflicts - when a trustee, or person or organisation connected to them, could get money or something else of value from a trustee decision. Loyalty conflicts - other reasons, a board member might not be able to make decisions that are best for the charity.
  • How to manage a charity conflict of interest? To manage a conflict of interest you must follow your governing document but usually, the individual should be excluded from all discussions and this and the discussion details recorded in the minutes.
  • What is a fit and proper person? Charities that want to claim UK tax reliefs and exemptions must meet the Finance Act 2010 requirement that all of the charity’s managers (including trustees) to be ‘fit and proper persons’.

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This Article on Charity Chair and Trustee Roles Is Not Professional Advice

This article on charity chair and trustee roles and responsibilities is for general interest only and does not constitute professional legal or financial advice.  I'm neither a lawyer, nor an accountant, so not able to provide this, and I cannot write guidance that covers every charity or eventuality.  I have included links to relevant regulatory guidance, which you must check to ensure that whatever you create reflects correctly your charity’s needs and your obligations.  In using this resource, you accept that I have no responsibility whatsoever from any harm, loss or other detriment that may arise from your use of my work.  If you need professional advice, you must seek this from someone else. To do so, register, then login and use the Help Finder directory to find pro bono support. Everything is free.

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