A list of grants for small UK charities and funding opportunities for community projects you can apply for, including unregistered groups. Click the link to go to the grant maker's website. At the end are tips and FAQs on how to get grant funding for small charity and non profit community projects.
The National Lottery Awards for All makes grants to local small charities and, is aimed at funding for community projects. This link is for England, but each UK country has its own version.
It's a simple online application for grant funding for community projects of between £300 and £20,000. You can apply for funding at any time, it has a good grant award rate and a reasonably quick turnaround time. Register, then login and the in-system AI bunny will write funding case for support for you to use in your grant application.
Our secret funds for small charities is an online funding list of 50+ sources of local funding. It's niche funders, so a bit of a funding lucky dip but most don't know about these and national charities can't apply, so you've more chance of securing funding. It's updated monthly.
Community Foundation Network | There are 46 UK community foundations, which support local charities and community projects. These are often a good place to start, if you're new to fundraising. |
B&Q Foundation | Up to £5,000 available for local charities that support people experiencing bad housing or homelessness, as well as community projects looking to improve their spaces. |
Aviva Community Fund | Small charities with forward-thinking ideas and to provide even more causes with resources and support. Projects that boost the resilience of communities in the face of uncertainty and will be supporting projects in two key areas: Community resilience: tackling inequality and improving environments by building inclusive and resilient communities; or Financial capability and inclusion: promoting financially inclusive communities. |
Ashworth Charitable Trust | Registered charities, with an income under £1m pa. Wide range of causes including the vulnerable, disability, women, the homeless, human rights and young people. Usually up to £3k, sometimes £5k. Trustees hold meetings in May and November. |
Betty Messenger Charitable Foundation | Grants to non profits that support people who fall through the cracks in society. One of the areas of focus is the small charity sector. |
John Ellerman Foundation | Core Funding - small to medium non profits, whose work has national significance. They aim to advance the wellbeing of people, society and the natural world by focusing on the arts, environment and social action. |
Leathersellers’ Company Charitable Fund | UK registered charities that are: supporting vulnerable people; working in geographical areas of high deprivation (within the UK); and have an annual income under £200,000. Up to £3k. |
Woodroffe Benton Foundation | Core Funding - smaller UK registered charities for relief of hardship; care for the elderly; environment and conservation. Up to £2.5k. |
Use the free charity Funding Finder grant directory and its Small Charities & Community Group search to find far more charity grants and funding for community projects, or Help Finder for companies that make grants to small local charities and community projects. There's also a fundraising online health check, with 60+downloadable funding lists and the huge resource base.
Quick, simple and very effective. Nearly half our ratings are 10/10.
Ford Britain Trust | Large grants for registered charities, community groups, Schools/PTAs and non-profit organisations, between £250 and £3,000 and up to £250 through the small grants programme. The local community, environment, young people/children, promote education/schools and to support special educational needs and people with disabilities. |
Oak Trust | Registered UK charities supporting people who are disadvantaged, medical and environmental charities. Preference for small charities. Grants £250 - £4k. |
People's Health Trust - Active Communities | For community groups and not-for-profit, with income under £350,000 pa or an average of £350,000 over 2 years, seeking between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to 2 years to address health inequalities in the UK and create fairer places in which to grow, live, work and age. Small and local community projects. |
Rank Foundation - Pebble Grants | UK registered charities and recognised churches, income under £500k pa, which are raising money for projects where the total cost is less than £150,000. For capital costs or a one-off short-term activity. |
Lady Neville Charity | UK Arts and Heritage projects and any charitable activity in key areas of Company interest (specific London boroughs and West Kent). Grants of up to £1,000 for capital items. Registered charities or not-for-profit organisations in the UK with annual turnover under £100,000. |
Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts | 17 different independent grant-making trusts, which fund registered charities or activities with a clearly defined charitable purpose. |
Tesco Community Grants | Core Funding. Projects that benefit the community - from improving community buildings and outdoor spaces to buying new equipment, training coaches or volunteers and hosting community events. Registered charities and not-for-profit organisations -£1,500, £1,000 or £500. |
Truemark Trust | Small, local charity organisations addressing social distress and disadvantage, with a preference for neighbourhood-based community projects and for innovative work with less popular groups. Spend £650k pa. |
Allen Lane Foundation | Small grants for start-up, core or project costs. Asylum-seekers and refugees, LGBTQI+, Gypsies and Travellers, Migrant workers, Offenders and ex-offenders, Older people, mental health problems and violence/abuse. Also supports non profits that are not charities. |
Edge Fund | Core funding - up to £3k for unfunded grassroots communities, campaign groups and activists struggling for social, economic and environmental justice. |
KFC Foundation | Registered charities, unincorporated clubs or associations or unregistered charities, with income under £300,000 pa, local to a KFC, empowering young people in the UK. Work that helps young people to create firm foundations, by addressing their needs through early intervention. Up to £2,000. |
Lush Charity Pot - | Small volunteer-run grassroots organisations, and particularly campaign groups, working in environment, animal protection and human rights in the UK and overseas with priority for less popular causes that aim to create long-term change and struggle to find funding. |
Matthew Good Foundation - Grants For Good | Small charities, community projects and non profits, with income under £50k. Every three months, they share £10,000 between 5 shortlisted projects that have a positive impact on communities, people or the environment. |
Albert Hunt Trust | UK charities and community groups with income under £250k, capital, core/running costs, hospice, homeless, health & wellbeing, UK wide. |
Lloyds Bank Foundation | Two year unrestricted grants of £50,000 to 190 small charities with an income between £25,000 and £1m across England and Wales. The priority is charities tackling complex social issues such as homelessness, trafficking and domestic abuse. No deadline. |
Marsh Christian Trust | Social welfare, arts and heritage, environmental causes and animal welfare, healthcare, education and training. Max value £2k, long-term core funding for small registered charities. |
Masonic Charitable Foundation | Disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people (up the age of 25 years) or to reduce loneliness and isolation in later life. Small grants scheme for core funding, max £15k for up to 3 years, for small charities with income under £500k pa. |
Newby Trust - Small Charities | Core Funding - or overheads, in particular for very small charities, but would expect a broad description of what the grant will be used for. May provide small grants for short-term emergency relief. |
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - Ann Rylands | Core Funding – The Ann Rylands Small Donations programme makes grants of up to £1,500 to support small UK charities providing support for older people, people with disabilities or others facing difficulties in their lives. |
Tudor Trust | Core Funding - smaller UK community groups that support people at the margins of society. Normally £10k plus, for up to 3 years. Will consider grants to help strengthen your organisation and may consider making short-term loans and multi-year grants. |
YAPP Charitable Trust | Core costs and existing work, registered charities, with income under £40k pa. Prioritise funding work that is unattractive to the general public or unpopular with other funders and services that help to improve the lives of marginalised, disadvantaged or isolated people. Priorities: Elderly people, Children and young people, People with physical impairments, learning difficulties or mental health challenges, Social welfare, and Education and learning. |
Ancaster Trust | Objectives of the Trust are non-specific, but it has a record of supporting disadvantaged people, social deprivation and the environment. Grants reportedly £100 to £300. Annual spend £100k. |
Asda Foundation - Green Token Giving 2021 | Each superstore will feature 3 community projects online that have been nominated by customers and colleagues. The one with the most online votes will receive a £500 donation with 2nd and 3rd place each receiving £200. |
H D Wills | Registered general charities, which are small enough in size or are applying for support for a modest project such that the charity will benefit substantially from a donation of between £250 and £500. |
Plus, 100+downloadable funder lists, 8 online health checks and the huge resource base.
Quick, simple and very effective. Nearly half our ratings are 10/10.
To access help and resources on anything to do with running a charity, including funding, click the AI Bunny icon in the bottom right of your screen and ask it short questions, including key words. Register, then login and the in-system AI Bunny is able to write funding bids and download 40+ charity policy templates as well.