Grant funding for UK mental health charities and wellbeing projects, including for counselling services and therapy. To find far more grant funding for charities, use mental health, wellbeing or counselling as searches in the Key Word box in Funding Finder and Help Finder.
For UK mental health grants for individuals, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Lankelly Chase - grant funding for severe disadvantages such as homelessness, drug misuse, violence and abuse, and mental health.
Bergqvist Charitable Trust - health, the arts, education and the environment, by making grants to specialist registered charities and community organisations. There is a particular emphasis on epilepsy and psychiatric research projects and assisting people with epilepsy and mental health conditions. Annual spend £50k.
Earn N Live - support those with disabilities in Bangladesh and the UK: poverty; assisting in the treatment and care of persons suffering from mental or physical illness and education of the public regarding the treatment of mental or physical illness.
Welland Trust – Supports projects in England and Wales. They are particularly keen to support projects to reduce homelessness and reoffending, and enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of adults who've been in care.
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Albert Hunt Trust - charities with income under £250k, capital, core/running costs, hospice, homeless, health & wellbeing, UK wide, not overseas.
Allen Lane Foundation - small grants for start-up, core or project costs for a wide range of causes, including mental health. Also supports groups that are not charities.
Henry Smith Charity - £20k – £60k per year, for 1 to 3 years, charities and social enterprises with income £50k - £2m pa. Funds a wide range of areas, including mental health. Priority to areas of high deprivation.
Rayne Foundation - may award core funding when an organisation is making a step-change in the way that it works or tackles a particular issue. UK not-for-profit organisations - arts, health and wellbeing, education and social issues. Areas of special interest include young people’s mental health. Target funding towards issues and organisations which do not enjoy widespread public support.
Schroder Charity Trust - up to £5,000 towards core and project costs to UK registered charities. Funds a range of areas, including Health and Wellbeing.
Comic Relief Community Fund (England) – one strategic aim is Mental Health Matters: projects that support good mental health in communities, improve access to support and tackle stigma and discrimination. Open to grassroot community organisations with an income less than £250k. Up to £10k.
G & K Boyes Charitable Trust – supports local and national charities in both England and Wales from a wide range of causes including both physical and mental health issues. Both small and large donations provided and have supported salary costs in the past.
Fairness Foundation - provides grant funding for a range of areas, including mental health in England & Wales. Income £1.3m.
Hodge Foundation – England & Wales. Welfare, education, medical and faith, including those with mental health issues.
Coalfields Community Investment Programme for England - projects in most deprived coalfield communities addressing skills, employment, health and wellbeing; will fund core costs up to 50% of the total costs.
BBC Children In Need - Small Grants 2021 - Up to £10k for up to 3 years for UK based not-for-profits. Opens 16 Aug. Children and young people aged 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through: Illness, distress, abuse or neglect, Any kind of disability, behavioural or psychological difficulties and living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Focus Foundation - support UK-based charities and social enterprises to make a positive and lasting change to people’s lives, including mental health charities & initiatives, local to one of Focus Group’s regional offices.
Ormiston Families - Community services for isolated and vulnerable children, young people and families; Children and families affected by imprisonment; emotional wellbeing of children and young people and gypsy and traveller communities.
Leus Family Foundation - grant funding for health and wellbeing, cultural awareness and sport for children and young people.
Pixel Fund - Up to £5,000 for UK charities promoting mental health and wellbeing in children and young people. Priority to charities with income under £10m pa.
Chapman Charitable Trust - Promote physical and mental wellbeing, conserve our natural environment, and increase the accessibility of the arts. Most grants £1000 or £2000. Funds registered UK national charities. Will also fund local charities, in North Wales and SE England.
Les Mills Fund For Children - Registered charities and non-profit organisations who will do the most to improve the education and physical and emotional wellbeing of children aged 0-16. Living in poverty, physical and mental health problems, health and wellbeing and living with disability. Grants up to £1000. Funding deadlines are every 4 months.
DWF Foundation - Provides funds, resources and support to help communities achieve their full potential. Registered charities. Funding for a range of areas, including health and wellbeing. Up to £5k.
Percy Bilton Charity - UK charities assisting disadvantaged youth, people with disabilities, people with mental health problems and older people may apply for grants towards furnishings and equipment (excluding office items), building or refurbishment projects. Majority of grants £2,000 to £5,000.
Postcode Communities Trust - to support smaller charities and good causes in Wales. Grant funding for a range of areas, including improving mental wellbeing. Note: funded by a lottery. Most grants up to £2k, some up to £20k. Funds CICs.
Anchor Foundation - registered Christian charities who are working to address social exclusion with a particular interest in charities working within healing and the arts. From £500 to £10,000. Applications are considered twice yearly - applications by 31 Jan and 31 Jul.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Funding - Women
Pilgrim Trust – Young Women & Mental Health - £5m programme over the next 5-years (2021-2026) that aims to improve the mental health of young women (16-25) in the UK, by supporting access for young women to high quality, age and gender informed mental health services.
McCarthy & Stone Community Grant - grants, volunteers, and project support to charities and organisations who support the health and wellbeing of older people.
Barchester’s Charitable Foundation - helps older people and adults with a disability or a mental health problem. Their focus is about connecting or re-connecting people with others in their local community, and they support applications that combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged e.g. activities to support wellbeing. It helps small community groups and small charities (from England, Scotland and Wales) with donations of up to £5k.
Charity Excellence primarily supports charities, but our website AI bunny also supports individuals. Simply click the bunny icon in the bottom right of any screen and type in 'I need a grant'. If your mental health condition has resulted in you being disabled, tell it you are disabled and need a grant and it'll connect you to different funding support.
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My thanks to Nichola Brown, a professional fundraising researcher, who improve my original mental health and wellbeing grant funding list.