These are just a few of our sample charity fundraising reports and templates, our charity fundraising strategy template, planning, events templates, free training courses, example fundraising policy templates, bid writing, events resources and more. Charity Excellence taps into the collective expertise of the whole charity sector giving you access to a huge range of free fundraising reports and templates, as well as its online directories to find grant funding and company donation. Everything is free.
How to write a fundraising report - it's often very time consuming and all too often not acted upon, or sometimes even read. Here are 12 ways in which to ensure that your fundraising report is effective and has impact and will take less time to write.
A practical step-by-step guide to impact reports for charities. The real value in having an impact report, what impact is, measurement, evaluation, what to include, how to make impact reports really effective and how to create and publish a great charity impact report. Not least for your funders. This resource provides a simple sample template that anyone can use.
Use Funding Finder, to find a huge range of grants, Help Finder for free fundraising support and companies that make product/financial donations, Data Finder for fundraising bids and research, and the fundraising online health check to improve your fundraising and be connected to a huge range of charity reports and templates.
Quick, simple and everything is free.
To find the funding and free help you need - Register Now
Looking for fundraising help? Click the AI bunny icon on any screen and tell it what you need using short sentences.
A simple to use charity fundraising strategy template that gives you a simple 4 step process and examples to create your fundraising strategic plan that anyone can use.
How to get corporate fundraising donations, how to use Help Finder to find companies that donate funding, and companies that donate raffle prizes and how to write a thank you letter.
With fundraising challenging we need to get the most from the management of each project, activity or fundraising event and to maximise the success of our funding bids. This 3 step checklist gives you a simple process to evaluate and compare charity project and event proposals.
Organising a charity fundraising event should be fun, but it needs to be done well to work well. This is a event planning checklist and ideas to make yours a success, whether it's a large charity gala dinner to local community sponsored walk.
Use this link to access the online lists of funders, but there are 60+ larger lists within the system and you can also use the Funding Finder database to find far more charity grant funding.
Fundraising is incredibly tough, so here are 20+ ways to find new charity income and grant funding sources.
You can pay a lot of money for fundraising training courses, but there is lots of free online training available for everyone. This guide has courses covering skills development and refresher training, as well as basic 101 introduction courses on how to fundraise.
The basics of how to write great charity grant funding applications in 4 simple steps. The key to a compelling fundraising proposal or bid. And why writing a case for support will make your applications even more successful and less work.
Writing a really effective charity fundraising case for support really matters for grant funding applications and proposal letters. Writing multiple grant applications for your project proposals, is very time consuming and less effective. Use this simple template as an example to ensure you submit the very best fundraising bid every time.
A guide on how to find, engage and succeed with a fundraising freelance bid writer.
A simple to use template to create your charity Ethical Fundraising Policy to protect donors and beneficiaries and ensure that your fundraising complies with Charity Commission and other regulator guidance and ethics requirements.
A charity due diligence template for checks on donations, new fundraising donors, partners contractors or others to help ensure problems will not arise in working with them and comply with donor rules & regulations, such as gift acceptance & refusal, ethical fundraising policies and 'know your donor'.
Having a charity grant making policy is not a legal obligation and there’s no ‘right way’ to do it. This simple fundraising policy template for grant making, makes it simpler and, if you are a grant maker applying to the Charity Commission for registration, you should certainly include a grant making policy with your application.
Christmas fundraising help and resources for charities, to use in your Xmas appeals, festive campaigns and events. With links to dozens more, plus resources and people who will help you for free.
During Ramadan 2024, UK Muslim charity giving of zakat donations is likely to exceed £150m+. This resource explains what and when Ramadan is, the importance of charity giving in Islam, particularly zakat, who and where our UK Muslim community are.
Creating a charity budget and forecasting fundraising income is notoriously difficult. This guide provides budgeting worked examples, templates and a range of practical techniques you can use to create your budget and income projections
Resources to help you to fundraise for your charity using Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms.
Links to 100+ charity donation websites and online fundraising platforms, sorted by category, and with advice on how to choose the best for your charity. Donation platforms, volunteers, business support, shopping, micro donations, auction, buy/sell, contactless, events, recycling, cards and vouchers, crowd funding and more
A resource that enables charity trustees to understand the Fundraising Regulator and Charity Commission CC20 regulations and guidance on fundraising and donations, as well as other laws, legislation and regulations. The 2nd gives them 20 ways in which they can become actively involved in doing so and enjoy themselves.
Many charity trustees find fundraising a challenge and others are simply not able to make a significant financial donation. However, there are lots of opportunities for them to support your work, many that are easy and anyone can do. Here are 20+ ideas that I've used.
Fundraising donor management includes engagement, stewardship, acknowledgement & recognition and may seem a black art. However, it isn't, we all do it and doing it well is a huge opportunity to increase your funding. It can range from the application of sophisticated techniques, through to simply doing a donation thank you letter well.
A registered charity ourselves, the CEF works for any non profit, not just charities.
Plus, 100+downloadable funder lists, 40+ policies, 8 online health checks and the huge resource base.
Quick, simple and very effective.
Find Funding, Free Help & Resources - Everything Is Free.
To access help and resources on anything to do with running a charity, including funding, click the AI Bunny icon in the bottom right of your screen and ask it short questions, including key words. Register, then login and the in-system AI Bunny is able to write funding bids and download 40+ charity policy templates as well.