Charity Diversity Excellence Standard
As charities, we should be leading others in terms of promoting diversity, equality and inclusion but we're not. Private sector boards are far more diverse than charity trustee boards. And it is not only a matter of equality but also performance. Diverse boards tend to be more responsive to their customers/stakeholders, more risk aware and more innovative. UK charities are paying a very real price in failing to be as diverse as we claim we wish to be. We also have a guide on promoting charity trustee diversity.
How Do We to Use the Charity Diversity Standard
The Charity Diversity Standard was built into the CEF core model, so anyone using the system automatically assess themselves against it by completing the health check questionnaires. Since launch, 1,500+ charities have fully completed and many more have partially completed it. Your results are reported in the Diversity Section of the Governance table on the system dashboard. Clicking in your score, will run the underlying report, which connects you to resources and help, and can also be exported as an action plan. To access this, register now. Everything is free.
The system builds questionnaires appropriate to each user, so only includes those elements relevant to each. If you wish to use the checklist below instead, simply exclude those that do not apply to your charity.
What is Equality Diversity and Inclusion?
There are probably a variety of definitions of equality, diversity and inclusion but, for the purposes of the charity diversity standard, we use these ones.
- Equality - is about ensuring that everyone is valued and treated fairly, particularly minority groups, as defined by the protected characteristics in the Equalities Act.
- Inclusion - is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need.
- Diversity - is bringing different ways of thinking and experiences into the charity, as a driver of performance.
Charity Diversity Excellence Standard
- The board and management team make their expectations regarding equality and diversity clear, demonstrably live up to these and are respected by everyone for doing so.
- We always take any discrimination/sexual harassment complaints seriously, respond sensitively and quickly and, if proven, ensure that the action taken is prompt and effective.
- We have a robust, up-to-date policies that promote diversity that everyone is made aware of and which are consistently applied in a way that ensures everyone is treated fairly and equitably.
- A board member leads on whistleblowing (Public Disclosure Act), everyone has been made aware of our policy and it is readily available in the workplace.
- We have identified the barriers that under-represented groups face in joining and being successful in our organisation, and have taken steps to remove these.
- We recruit board members by advertising openly, actively encourage and support under-represented groups to apply and always appoint the best candidate.
- We have reviewed our board skills/diversity within the last 12 months and taken action to address any lack of diversity, including considering positive action.
- We have an induction process for board members and provide any additional support that may be needed, to enable them to participate and contribute to the Board's work.
- We advertise staff roles in a way that actively promotes diversity and encourages and enables people from under-represented groups to apply.
- Staff recruitment is openly advertised, using communication channels and language that will both reach and engage under-represented groups.
- Our volunteer recruitment uses messaging and advertising methods appropriate to our target audience, including under-represented groups.
- Our application processes, monitoring and interviews comply with Section 60 of the Equalities Act in respect of health and disability data and questions.
- Interview/promotion or other panels are diverse, insofar as possible, and have the experience to be able to assess candidates accurately and fairly, with the minimum of unconscious bias.
- The Board have reviewed the salaries/benefits paid to individuals, identified any gender or other equality pay gaps and taken action, if appropriate.
- For training, promotion, transfer or other opportunities, we consider the need to make reasonable adjustments for any disabled people who may wish to apply.
- We design and deliver digital content to promote accessibility and have alternative means of communication for those who might otherwise be excluded.
- If we deliver services or support for the benefit of certain groups of people, but not others, we comply with equality legislation in doing so
- We reassess ourselves against the standard annually and report the results and any proposed action to our staff and other stakeholders.
- The Board sets diversity targets for itself.
- The Board sets diversity targets for the staff/volunteer team.
- The Board have considered taking positive action, if needed to deliver our diversity targets within a reasonable timescale.
- The Board's annual report includes its diversity targets/achievement and action being taken to address any gaps, including timescales to do so and its position on positive action.
- We set SMART targets for each area of the standard and publicly report against these, including explaining what action is being taken.
- Specific: Simply and clearly define the goal. Answer the who, what, where, and why.
- Measurable: Ensure you can track progress and measure the outcome.
- Achievable: Set a goal that's realistic and attainable.
- Relevant: Make sure the goal is important and aligns with broader objectives.
- Time-bound: Set a deadline to measure progress against.
- We have a culture in which everyone is treated with respect, valued and rewarded for what they contribute, with zero tolerance of unfair discrimination at every level.
- No gender represents more than two thirds of board members.
- The Board is diverse in terms of at least one other protected characteristic and, overall, is appropriately representative of our stakeholders, unless it is very small.
- The management team is diverse; with no gender representing more than two thirds overall, except for very small teams, where this would be unrealistic.
- The overall staff/volunteer team is diverse and appropriately reflects our stakeholder base.
- Salaries and benefits are consistent and comparable, between roles in our own organisation and similar roles in other non-profits, regardless of gender/ethnicity.
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Our Charity Diversity Standard Is Not Professional Advice
Our diversity excellence standard is for general interest only and does not constitute professional legal or financial advice. I'm neither a lawyer, nor an accountant, so not able to provide this, and I cannot write guidance that covers every charity or eventuality. I have included links to relevant regulatory guidance, which you must check to ensure that whatever you create reflects correctly your charity’s needs and your obligations. In using this resource, you accept that I have no responsibility whatsoever from any harm, loss or other detriment that may arise from your use of my work. If you need professional advice, you must seek this from someone else. To do so, register, then login and use the Help Finder directory to find pro bono support. Everything is free.