Example Charity Volunteer Job Description Templates

30 example charity volunteer job description templates - including essential and desirable volunteering skills and responsibilities

Example Charity Volunteer Job Description Templates

Some 30 example charity volunteer job descriptions with the role, with example general mandatory and desirable ones below, including fundraising.  I have also included an AI prompt that will enable you to use one of my examples to create specific job descriptions for your own charity.  If you want more, there is another different volunteer job description template that you can download by logging in and scoring the People questionnaire.

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Volunteer Job Descriptions - Example Roles & Responsibilities

Listed below are examples of volunteer job descriptions I have written for people.  I create these using my 45 years of experience as a volunteer myself and Internet searches, but I'm not lawyer and cannot be an expert in every area.  To help I have included usually far more than you might need, so you can delete out the ones you don't need and amend what remains to meet your needs.  You must check any regulatory or legal requirements.

Role Example Job Description
Fundraising Lead
  • Charity fundraising experience would be a bonus as would experience in a relevant role such as business development, sales, or events.
  • Familiarity with fundraising methods would also be a bonus, such as grant writing, corporate partnerships, and individual giving.
  • Ability to effectively convey the charity's mission and engage with donors, both verbally and in writing.
  • Experience in creating and maintaining relationships with supporters, sponsors, and partners.
  • Proficiency in planning and executing fundraising activities and events.
  • Ability to connect with donors and understand their motivations for giving.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with other team members and departments within the charity.
  • Understanding of the relevant aspects of the Fundraising Code and data protection regulations. 
Fundraising Support
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and fundraising software

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills

  • Experience in organising fundraising events and campaigns would be a bonus.

  • Ability to work independently and within a team

  • Enthusiastic and persuasive in engaging potential donors

  • Understanding of the relevant aspects of the Fundraising Code and data protection regulations, relevant to the role. 

  • A good understanding or experience in writing content and/or social media would be a bonus.
Beneficiary Support Roles
  • Ideally experience of working in a customer facing advice and support role, with an organisation such as the CAB, DWP, social services or the NHS.
  • The resilience and the confidence to be able to work alone with individuals and groups.
  • Able to structure and manage conversations in a positive and constructive way.
  • Empathic and a very good, listener, ideally with experience or qualifications in counselling, coaching, or a similar field.
  • A good understanding of local statutory provision, such as social services and NHS services.
  • A good understanding of professional boundaries and the ability to identify when a conversation has reached these.
  • Must have a substantive track record in working with .............people and any necessary professional qualifications for the role, ideally in a relevant field.
  • A good understanding of the principles and practices in safeguarding vulnerable people.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Good organisational and multitasking abilities
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • A good understanding of the charity’s role and structure, and the responsibilities of its departments and key individuals.
  • A good understanding of local charity and statutory services relevant to the charity to signpost people to.
Administrative Support
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

  • Good organisational and multitasking abilities

  • Good verbal and written communication skills

  • Experience with data entry and office management systems

  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team

  • Friendly and professional approach for front office tasks

Website Manager
  • Proficient in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

  • Experience with content management systems (e.g., WordPress)

  • Good understanding of SEO principles and practices

  • Strong analytical skills for website performance tracking

  • Including supporting others with advice on how to create effective content.
  • Knowledge of GDPR and data protection regulations relevant to charity websites.

Social Media Manager
  • Proficient in social media platforms (Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn).

  • Experience with social media management tools (e.g., Hootsuite, Buffer)

  • Good understanding of social media analytics and metrics

  • Strong content creation and copywriting skills. 

  • Able to identify and respond to any misinformation, spam or trolling.

  • A good understanding of legal and regulatory requirements, such as copyright and consent to use imagery.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team.
  • Knowledge of GDPR and data protection regulations relevant to social media
Events Volunteer
  • Enthusiastic but diplomatic and sensitive to peoples' needs.
  • Good organisational and multitasking abilities.

  • Experience in coordinating and managing events would be a bonus.

  • Happy to roll your sleeves up and carry out varying activities

  • Ability to work collaboratively as part of a team.

  • Flexibility to adapt to changing event needs and schedules.

  • Understanding of health and safety regulations for events.

  • Able to work confidently with individuals.
  • It would be beneficial to have experience of working in:
    • An advice service, such as ..................
    • A relevant statutory service, such as ...................
  • Ideally experience of working in a customer facing role, with an organisation such as .........................................
  • Must have the resilience and the confidence to be able to work alone with individuals and groups.
  • Must be able to structure and manage conversations in a positive and constructive way.
  • Empathic, a good listener and culturally sensitive.
  • A good understanding of local provision, such as social services and expert charity services.
  • A good understanding of the principles and practices in safeguarding vulnerable ................
  • Significant depth and breadth of expertise in the area in which they will be mentoring.

  • Strong communication and active listening skills

  • A willingness to share relevant personal experiences, including openness about what hasn't worked well for them.
  • A very good understanding of the need for discretion and confidentiality, including the limited circumstances when it would be appropriate to break confidentiality to protect a mentee or others.
  • A coaching qualification or experience would be a bonus.
  • Ability to build rapport and maintain positive relationships

  • Patience and empathy in supporting mentees

  • Understanding of safeguarding policies and procedures

Mentors share their experience with mentees but the mentoring role is non directive and mentors must always be careful to ensure that mentees understand and are comfortable that any decisions are theirs to make.  That includes being aware of and managing any power imbalances in the relationship.

  • Proficient in a variety of basic repair and maintenance tasks.

  • Ideally, professional experience in this area or at least an experienced DIY individual.
  • A friendly and approachable manner.

  • Experience in following health and safety regulations

  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team

The role will require the individual to have or undertake relevant H&SW training, such as storage of hazardous materials, and working at height.  Volunteers may not work on anything that requires specialist knowledge or qualifications, such as complying fully with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994.  Approval to do so, would only be given subject to confirmation of this, checking that any warranties wouldn't be invalidated and approval by our insurers. 

Animal Care
  • We have a wide range of roles, with something to suit everyone, but we all have a passion for caring for animals.
  • If you have experience of caring for an animal, such as you own pet, or even professional qualifications, such as an NVQ in animal care or veterinary science, that’s a bonus.
  • However, we provide initial induction, on-the-job training and supervision for all volunteers, so that’s not essential, although you may not initially be able work in all areas, or with all animals, until you have gained the necessary experience.  This ensures that both they and you, are kept safe at all times.
  • You must be at least 13 years old, unless volunteering with a parent, or guardian, who will look after you.  If you are under 18 years of age, you will need parental consent to volunteer with us.
Animal Foster Care
  • Must have significant experience as a ....... owner.
  • Has or will buy/be provided with essential equipment such as bedding, food and water bowls, litter tray, scratching post/toys, grooming equipment and .... carrier.
  • The home must be suitable.  For example, a flat would not be suitable for a ...... that’s used to being outdoors.
  • The home environment must be suitable – for example, if there are other pets and/or children we need to be sure that the ..... will feel secure and happy with them around.
  • There is a safe, comfortable space your .... can call his/her own.
  • Able to make sufficient time to care for and socialise with your ........
  • Your home must be safe.  For example, any toxic plans and/or cleaning materials being kept safely out-of-reach.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age or have parental (or other guardian’s) consent.
    • You must be able to commit sufficient money to pay for food, any vet bills, and other items.

We’ll give you a call from time-to-time and, occasionally, visit to see if everything is going  well and, in case, you might want some help or advice.

Campaigning We believe that all individuals are entitled to hold and express their own (reasonable) political beliefs.  However, volunteers must not do so, or reasonably be perceived to be doing so, on behalf of the charity.

  • A clear understanding of the difference between campaigning and politics, in terms of the Charity Commission E&W RR12 (Promotion of Human Rights) and our campaigning policy, which reflects these.
  • Ideally, a background and qualifications in a field related to your volunteering role, such as the law, public policy or marketing/campaigning.
  • Be persuasive and able to articulate sometimes complex issues simply and clearly.
  • Analytical and able to construct and articulate reasoned argument substantiated with fact.
  • Willing to listen to and understand a different viewpoint and able to respond to this with reasoned argument and fact.
  • Able to identify potential misinformation and to fact check and check sources.
Careers Advice
  • Schools & Education: Ideally, having worked in schools or in a related education capacity and/or experience of working with disadvantaged communities and individuals.
  • Knowledge Careers Support: Understanding of careers support, whom to contact, student work experience requirements etc.
  • Familiarity with UCAS: Experience with the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) process, including application timelines and procedures.
  • Understanding Entry Requirements: Awareness of different entry requirements, including academic qualifications and entrance exams.
  • Scholarship Guidance:  Ability to guide students in finding and applying for scholarships and bursaries.
Education - Class Teacher
  • Must hold any relevant professional qualifications for the subject and level they will be teaching.
  • If not required, a teaching or related qualification would be beneficial.
  • Experience of working in a formal educational environment would be beneficial.
  • Must have the confidence to work with individuals and groups.
  • Must be able to lead discussion in an open and positive way that fosters learning, encourages debate and enables students to make up their own minds.
  • Must have a good understanding of the programme/class educational framework, objectives and outcomes and be able to deliver these consistently.
  • Must have a good understanding of our safeguarding procedures including, if applicable, online safeguarding.

Appointment will be subject to the approval of the Chair and, for some roles, we may take up references.

Education - Informal Language Lessons
  • Able to speak English clearly and fluently.
  • A 2nd language, particularly one spoken by the people we support would be highly beneficial.
  • Experience of working with people from other cultures and countries would be beneficial.
  • Comfortable, confident and patient in meeting and talking to people you don’t know well, or at all.
Education - Trainers
  • A substantive track record of working in …., or a related issue.
  • Must have significant relevant experience in delivering the topics to be covered that is also sufficiently broad to be able to respond effectively to more general questions that may come up.
  • Must have a substantive track record of training delivery experience to be able to engage a diverse audience and deliver training outcomes effectively.
  • A sound understanding of course/workshop learning objectives, structure and content.
  • Able to assess and report on attainment and the extent to which the course was seen to be enjoyable and valuable.
  • Able to run courses/workshops in an open and engaging way that encourages discussion amongst those attending and enables them to make up their own minds.
  • Must be confident in tackling difficult issues and discussing subjects that attendees may have difficulty in talking about.
  • A teaching or other relevant professional qualification would be highly beneficial.
  • Must be culturally sensitive and able to remain confident and positive in the face of possibly negative feedback.

All trainers will be paired with an experienced mentor and will be assessed by the chair, or other nominated expert, as fully capable of delivering training positively, consistently and effectively.

  • Substantive experience in recruiting, including assessing job applications and interviewing.
  • Able to work with confidence in groups and on a one-to-one basis.
  • A good understanding of basic employment practices and employer expectations.
  • Experience in working in a recruitment agency, HR, Job Centre or similar would be a bonus.
Environmental Sustainability An understanding of and/or experience in:

  • Key sustainability issues, which might include climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, poor health and poverty.
  • Key initiatives to achieve sustainability goals, such as Infrastructure Imperatives, Carbon Management, Green Energy, Circular Economy, Environment Conservation, Water Conservation and Energy Efficiency.
  • The Waste Hierarchy – eliminate, reduce, re-use, recycle, dispose.
  • ESG reporting and auditing.
  • Sustainability from a corporate and financial perspective.
  • Climate risk and the conservation of natural capital.
  • Relevant UK Government policy and goals.
  • UK sustainability regulations, in areas such as environmental protection, green energy and waste disposal.
Faith - Hindu
  • A good understanding of the Veda and post-Vedic texts, particularly the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, their relevance to modern life and how Hinduism promotes spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing.
  • A commitment to the promotion of inter-faith understanding and respect.
  • Able to listen well, be empathic and communicate in an open, positive and constructive way to encourage debate and enable people to make up their own minds.
  • Able to lead discussion in an open and positive way.

Faith volunteers will be interviewed by the priest, to confirm the above, who will also provide ongoing mentoring and advice.

Faith - Muslim
  • A good understanding of the relevant aspects of the Quran, Hadith and Sunna, both the detail and principle, as practised by Muslims.
  • A commitment to the promotion of inter-faith understanding and respect.
  • Able to listen well, be empathic and communicate in an open, positive and constructive way to encourage debate and enable students to make up their own minds.
  • Able to lead discussion in an open and positive way.
  • A person of good standing within the Community.

Faith volunteers will be interviewed by the Imam, to confirm the above, who will also provide ongoing mentoring and advice.

Faith - Pastoral Care
  • Compassion for others and a good understanding and strong belief in Christianity.
  • A commitment to the promotion of inter-faith understanding and respect.
  • Able to listen well, be empathic and communicate in an open, positive and constructive way to provide emotional and spiritual support to a person.
  • An understanding and experience of using self-care techniques and self-aware of your own needs.
  • Able to lead discussion in an open and positive way.
  • A person of good standing within the Community.

Faith volunteers will be interviewed by an experienced member of the Church, to confirm the above, who will also provide ongoing mentoring and advice.

Food Handling
  • Volunteers preparing or handling food may not require specific training/experience but will be provided with appropriate on-the-job training in food hygiene and food allergens.
  • If volunteering on an ongoing basis or handling high risk food, we may require you to undergo training.
  • Food handlers - the equivalent to level 2 in food safety and hygiene
  • Supervisors and managers - at least level 3 in supervising food safety and hygiene.
  • Experience in working in catering, or other food handling role or relevant qualifications would be a bonus.
Grant Making Panel
  • A good understanding of the charitable purposes and the public benefit test, and Charity Commission E&W policy requirements relating to these.
  • Good analytical capability and able to assess issues solely on objective criteria, not personal preferences.
  • The ability to assess sometimes complex data and numbers, draw conclusions and test these against criteria to determine if an application should be considered.
  • The ability to compare the merits and otherwise for different activities and to draw logical and fair conclusions regarding their respective order of criteria.
  • A sense of fairness.

One member of the panel should have ................................... expertise, ideally in ........... In the event no panel member has these skills, the panel may rely on an assessment provided by someone who does, who also has the other skills listed above and is not connected with any potential grantees.

Health & Wellbeing - Health Promotion
  • You must hold any required qualifications for activities you would be undertaking, such as the Level 2 in Nutrition for Healthy Living or the Mental Health Awareness & Understanding Approaches to Support Individuals.
  • Other equivalent Ofqual accredited qualifications would also be sufficient.
  • Ideally experience of working in a similar role, with an organisation such as a charity or the NHS.
  • Must have the confidence to work with individuals and groups.
  • Must be able to lead discussion in an open and positive way that fosters learning, encourages debate and enables students to make up their own minds.
  • Must have a good understanding of the programme/class framework, objectives and outcomes and be able to deliver these consistently.
  • Must have a good understanding of our safeguarding procedures.
  • Must be able to structure and manage potentially difficult conversations in a positive and constructive way.
  • Empathic and a very good listener, ideally with experience or qualifications in counselling, coaching, or a similar field.
  • A good understanding of statutory provision, such as social services and NHS services.
  • An understanding and experience of using self-care techniques and self-aware of your own needs.
  • A good understanding of professional boundaries and the ability to identify when a conversation has reached these.

Volunteers will be assessed by the chair, or other nominated expert, provided with guidance and paired with an experienced mentor, who will provide ongoing support and supervision.

Health & Wellbeing - Healthy Activity Trainer
  • You must hold a Level 2 Gym Instructor qualification, with recent experience, ideally with Level 2 in Engaging Inactive People, Group Exercise Instructing or Engaging Inactive People.
  • A Level 2 Diploma would be a bonus.
  • Any other qualifications required for an activity you would be leading that requires these.
  • Other equivalent Ofqual accredited qualifications would also be sufficient.
Health & Wellbeing - Outdoor Activity
  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Ideally, with experience of working with ............. in a similar role, such as at an outward bound centre, Duke of Edinburgh Awards or the Scouts.
  • Have a current first aid certificate and a life-saving certificate if you will be instruct water-based activities.
  • Significant experience in the area you will be working in, including any relevant qualifications or licences required.
  • Ideally a Level 2 or 3 Diploma in Skills and Activities for Sport and Active Leisure (Outdoor Education), or equivalent, such as the Mountain Training England Award in Mountain Leadership.

All activity volunteers will be paired with an experienced mentor and will be assessed by the chair, or other nominated expert, as fully capable of delivering workshops and events positively, consistently and effectively.

Health & Wellbeing - Specific Activity Trainer
  • A level 3 qualification in the discipline you will be teaching, such as yoga or meditation.
  • A substantive track record in teaching within your discipline(s).
  • A certificate, diploma or degree in a health and wellbeing subject would be beneficial, particularly if this included modules in physical or mental health.
  • Experience in working with disadvantaged, diverse or marginalised communities would also be beneficial.
Health & Wellbeing - Sports Coaches
  • The patience and ability to work positively with people who may not be able to learn as quickly or play as well as others.
  • A good understanding of the rules and basic techniques used in football, ideally having been a player yourself.
  • For some roles and levels, the sports governing body or league may require specific qualifications and/or specific levels of qualification.  For example, in coaching or being a referee, often for more senior or league games.

Sports coaches and volunteers will be provided with shadowing opportunities (working with a more experienced volunteer), mentoring and/or on-the-job training, as necessary.

Mental Health Promotion Use a suitable job description from this list but also include the note below.

Volunteers must be aware of the NHS guidance on the feelings and symptoms of mental health issues and follow the guidance in Worried about someone’s mental health?, which is available from the NHS Professionals website.

Shop Assistant
  • Customer Service: Assist customers with their purchases, and answer any queries.
  • Cash Handling: Handle cash and card payments accurately and responsibly.
  • Sorting Donations: Sort and process donated items to ensure they are suitable for sale.
  • Visual Merchandising: Create displays and maintain a tidy and organised shop.
  • Stock Management: Manage stock levels and replenish shelves.
  • Promotional Support: Assist with promotional events as required.
  • Regulation: adhere to our policies, including safeguarding and health and safety.
  • Charity Promotion: Promoting our work to customers to encourage donations, volunteering and Gift Aid.
Support Roles
  • Ideally experience of working in a customer facing advice and support role, with an organisation such as the CAB, DWP, social services or the NHS.
  • Must have the resilience and the confidence to be able to work alone with individuals and groups.
  • Must be able to structure and manage conversations in a positive and constructive way.
  • Empathic and a very good listener, ideally with experience or qualifications in counselling, coaching, or a similar field.
  • A good understanding of local statutory provision, such as social services and NHS services.
  • An understanding and experience of using self-care techniques and self-aware of your own needs.
  • Able to recognise the signs that a person may be at risk or possibly being subjected to exploitation.
  • A good understanding of professional boundaries and the ability to identify when a conversation has reached these.
  • Support volunteers will be assessed by the chair, or other nominated expert, provided with guidance and paired with an experienced mentor, who will provide ongoing support and supervision.
  • Must have a substantive track record in working with .............people and any necessary professional qualifications for the role, ideally in a relevant field.
  • Ideally, experience of working in an organisation such as a PRU, school or social services, or in a charity other organisation working with young people at risk.
  • For delivering workshops or similar, relevant experience in group working or training delivery to young people at risk.
  • A good understanding of the principles and practices in safeguarding vulnerable people.

International Volunteer Job Descriptions

My volunteer job descriptions below cover all eventualities, including conflict and disaster situations.  Anyone being sent to a crisis or high risk area must have relevant experience and skills specifically relating to this. It's no place for an enthusiastic amateur who may well place themselves and, potentially other, in danger and may hinder not help efforts.

Volunteer Role Job Description
Overseas Volunteers - From UK
  • Minimum age of 18 years.
  • Hold a valid passport and any necessary travel documentation, such as a visa.
  • Have adequate travel insurance in place.
  • Ideally able to speak the local language and be familiar with the country and its culture.
  • Aware of any relevant FCO travel guidance.
  • Have a sufficient supply of any medicines he or she may require, unless these are readily available in country.
  • Confident and capable enough to work in potentially basic conditions.
  • Aware of and sensitive to local cultural needs.
    Ideally. additional skills relevant to the project, such as project management.
  • All relevant NHS vaccinations that are in date.
  • No significant medical conditions that may require medical attention, which may not be available.

Volunteers must have an approved travel plan including contact details for the organisations they will be liaising with and local emergency and medical services.  If appropriate, a risk assessment will be carried out.

Overseas Volunteer - Based In-country
  • Cultural Sensitivity.  An understanding of and respect for diverse local cultures, traditions, and lifestyles.
  • Language Ability.  Ideally, conversational English and also in any other local languages or dialects.
  • Team Working.  A good understanding of the charity’s ways of working and policies and, if applicable, of any local laws or regulations and a willingness to follow these.
  • Professional Qualifications.  If applicable, any professional qualifications, accreditations or licences required locally for the seniority and type of role undertaken.
  • Must be recommended and vetted by an individual/organisation approved by the charity.
  • Subject to appropriate supervision and support.
  • Any relevant skills/experience/qualifications required for the role.
  • A commitment to promoting social justice, equality, and human rights, and sensitivity to issues of power dynamics and privilege within the community.
Aid Convoy
  • Must hold all relevant licences and any permits for the type of vehicle and countries to be travelled through.
  • Ideally able to speak more than one language, particularly .................
  • An understanding of the customs procedures and paperwork for the countries to be travelled through.
  • A good understanding of the UK customs regulations relating to transporting supplies in support of the ......... crisis.
  • Must be at least 18 years old, confident and sufficiently self-reliant to managed unexpected problems, such as break downs or customs hold ups.

Using AI to Draft Volunteer Job Descriptions

You can ask AI (Chat GPT, Co-pilot, or another) to take my work and rewrite it for you.  If you don't use AI, login to Charity Excellence, click the in-system AI bunny icon, then his Create Prompt button and chat to him. He'll hop off to Chat GPT and do it for you.  Here's an outline prompt (instruction to the AI).  Amend, choose one of my volunteer job descriptions from above and that's it.

We are a <type of charity> that <does what?> and <how>. Please rewrite the volunteer description below for our <name of> role, which <will do what?> and <how?><plus any specialist requirements>.  Insert my job description.  

And because you will need these in due course, some AI requirements:

  • Experience is using our preferred AI system (Chat GPT, Co-pilot, Gemini, other).
  • A good understanding of the risks in using AI, such as not sharing sensitive financial or personal data.
  • A good understanding of relevant regulatory issues, such as data protection and copyright.
  • A good understanding of how to source reliable information and identify potential misinformation/deep fakes.

Volunteer Job Descriptions - Mandatory Requirements

A mandatory requirement is a skill or experience, or motivation that a volunteer must have. Here are some examples.

  • A commitment to our work.
  • A desire to help and be kind to others.
  • Sufficient time/flexibility to be able to carry out his/her role.
  • Where a role specifically requires professional qualifications, experience or accreditation, or other requirement, such as a licence to practice.

Volunteer Job Descriptions - Example Mandatory Training & Qualifications

For some roles, specific training and/or qualifications may be a legal, or statutory requirement, or you may feel is essential.  You can either recruit people with this, or make undertaking relevant training essential.  Here are some examples to consider.

  • First Aid. Must hold Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) and, ideally, First Aid at Work qualification and undertake refresher training as necessary.
  • H&SW. A minimum of IOSH Working Safely or NEBOSH Safety Simplified and, ideally, IOSH Managing Safely, or similar qualification.
  • Food Handling & Preparation. If volunteering on an ongoing basis or handling high risk food, we may require you to undergo training.
    • Food handlers - the equivalent to level 2 in food safety and hygiene
    • Supervisors and managers - at least level 3 in supervising food safety and hygiene.

If you use the above, you must check and amend as necessary, as I can only write general descriptions, because I do not know your charity, and I am also not an expert in these areas.

Volunteer Job Descriptions - Example Desirable Skills and Experience

Desirable skills and experience help volunteers and staff identify those that would be particularly helpful but are not essential to undertake volunteering.

  • Knowledge of, or experience of working in a charity, or role relating to your volunteering role.
  • Relevant professional qualifications or experience.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Strong interpersonal and people management skills.
  • Good verbal communicator, able to get on well with people and to ask questions positively.

Example Trustee Job Description Templates

We have separate guides that provide examples and templates for for charity chair job descriptions and lead trustee (Treasurer, Secretary, safeguarding) and committee job descriptions.  And also for individual trustee responsibilities.

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This Guide to Volunteer Job Descriptions Is Not Professional Advice

This guide to charity volunteer job descriptions is for general interest only and does not constitute professional legal or financial advice.  Some qualifications etc were written for specific circumstances and yours may differ or the law/regulations in your UK country may differ.  Equally, I'm neither a lawyer, nor an accountant, so not able to provide this, and I cannot write guidance that covers every charity or eventuality.  I have included links to relevant regulatory guidance, which you must check to ensure that whatever you create reflects correctly your charity’s needs and your obligations.  In using this resource, you accept that I have no responsibility whatsoever from any harm, loss or other detriment that may arise from your use of my work.

If you need professional advice, you must seek this from someone else. To do so, register, then login and use the Help Finder directory to find pro bono support. Everything is free.

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